Founder - Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Oriental University offers graduate programs in:060600 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Qualification awarded – Economist Specialization – International Economic Cooperation, International Business. Pursuing the degree, students also learn two foreign languages – one Oriental (Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Hindi, Indonesian, etc.) and one European (English, French, Spanish, etc.) Curricula are developed by professors of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences, who are also authors of manuals and original teaching methods. 350300 REGIONAL STUDIES Qualification awarded – Regional Studies Specialist Specialization – China, Japan, Arab countries, South Asian countries, the Middle East and other oriental countries. Pursuing the degree, students also learn two foreign languages – one Oriental (Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Hindi, Indonesian, etc.) and one European (English, French, Spanish, etc). Curricula are developed by professors of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences, who are also authors of manuals and original teaching methods. 020700 HISTORY Qualification awarded – Historian Pursuing the degree, students also learn two foreign languages – one Oriental (Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Hindi, Indonesian, etc.) and one European (English, French, Spanish, etc.). Curricula are developed by professors of the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Russian Academy of Sciences, who are also authors of manuals and original teaching methods. |
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